Past Event
Morning Briefing: Crossrail update
Join us at Bloom Clerkenwell for a Crossrail update on 26 October.
Past Event
NextGen Event: Autumn Reception
We were delighted to welcome WPA NextGen members back for our first in-person NextGen reception of 2021.
Past Event
Back to the West End Reception: Westminster as a destination for Culture
WPA & HOLBA welcome members to a reception event hosted at BAFTA, with tours of BAFTA's new headquarters.
Past Event
Property Careers Workshop
Find out more about our Property Careers workshop run in partnership with Young Westminster Foundation and 2-3 Degrees.
Past Event
Open House Festival 2021
Find out more about London’s largest celebration of buildings and architecture.
Past Event
WPA Annual Dinner 2021
The 2021 WPA Annual Dinner was held at the stunning new The Londoner Hotel in the heart of the West End.
Past Event
Webinar: Global Cities
Webinar exploring how how global cities are adapting to new ways of work and leisure.
Past Event
Webinar: Neighbourhood Forums
Webinar launching a new Neighbourhood Forums guide commissioned by WPA and New West End Company.
Past Event
Webinar: Post-Election Briefing
London Property Alliance and LCA webinar exploring the results of the 2021 Mayoral & GLA election results, in partnership.
Past Event
Technical webinar: Infrastructure Coordination Development Service
Learn about how WCC's new service can aid the design, management and delivery of development projects.