‘The Future of Westminster Post Covid-19: Planning for Recovery’ is a new piece of research from Westminster Property Association exploring the economic impacts of Covid-19 on Westminster and options for speeding up recovery. Based on data from Arup, the report includes the first detailed forecast of how Westminster’s economy could recover, and proposes a 10-point plan for the revival of city centres.
The report shows that that even with a vaccine and return to ‘normality of sorts’ there could still be a cumulative £191.9 billion loss in the economic output of Westminster to 2024. As well as evaluating the effectiveness of a series of practical measures and policy interventions to support the economy through this period, the report calls for cities across the UK to come together to build a future which will be greener, healthier and more resilient.
The report is sponsored by Almacantar, Derwent London, Great Portland Estates, Grosvenor Britain & Ireland and Landsec.
The Future of Westminster Post Covid-19 has received press coverage from The Evening Standard, OnLondon, EG and Property Week (£).
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